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Have you ever watched in amazement as someone with less intelligence or ability seems to live a much fuller and contented life? You’ve probably also noticed someone you consider smarter or more talented live a life of desperation?
After nearly 5,500 years of recorded history, new scientific research and tools have finally given us the understanding on why some people seem destined to achieve happiness and success, no matter what. And it also describes why others seem to struggle day to day with every small challenge in life, almost as if they are fighting some invisible current.

Even more importantly, thanks to these new discoveries we can now quickly remove many obstacles standing in your way, and provide you with a personal blueprint to keep them away. This works with anyone who is willing to take the time and effort to understand these amazing breakthroughs and their implications.

In the past, many techniques for personal and financial success were known. The problem is that some of them worked for some people, and usually for a limited amount of time. Far too often, any changes you made probably turned out to be short-lived. Most people quickly revert back to old habits and behaviours…ultimately, within a month they are right back where they started.
But what is so powerful about these revolutionary discoveries is that they finally enable us to understand and work at the very deepest —and most powerful—levels of the brain. These are the levels, we now know, where the only real and permanent change takes place.
We can now, for example, identify and change paradigms – habits and beliefs – which are preventing you from achieving the results you truly want in every area of your life.

What are paradigms?

What are paradigms? They are a multitude of habits that guide every move you make. They affect the way you eat, the way you walk, even the way you talk. They govern your communication, your work habits, your relationships, your successes and your failures.
If you are like most people, paradigms are controlling every move you make. Negative and faulty paradigms are why ninety-some percent of the population keeps getting the same results, year in and year out.
What about you? Is success slipping through your fingers? Do you feel like you’re doing all the right things to achieve your goals and get to where you want to be in life, but still can’t seem to get there? Do you see people with more money, more success, more happiness than you have and think, “What am I doing wrong?”
I can tell you right now that the problem isn’t you. It’s your paradigms.
The good news is if you’re not happy with your results, and you’d like to do better, you can do something about it. Changing just a small part of the old paradigm can make an enormous difference in the results you enjoy in every area of your life.
If you want to change your results — really change them, forever — shifting your paradigms is the only way to do it. When that shift happens, everything becomes different…just like THAT. It’s just like flipping a switch.
Learn how to quickly eliminate your paradigms and limiting beliefs that are quietly sabotaging your success — and say yes to your dreams and create the life you’ve always wanted.
Regardless of how many times you might have tried before, you CAN get far better results in your life. However, it’s tough to do without professional help. If you’d like to turn your deepest desires into lasting results, let’s connect and begin the journey to a happier, healthier and empowered life now.

Remember: there will be no permanent change in your life until the paradigm has been changed.

The Body’s Energy System — The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

The cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the body’s energy system.

Scientific research has long ago proven that there is an invisible life force energy field that animates the human body through 14 energy pathways called meridians. Much like the way blood flows through your arteries and vessels, energy travels through your body through the meridian system. The meridian system is very similar to radio – radio waves cannot be seen by the human eye, but we all know they do exist.

The meridian system compares to radio in that if a city has 14 radio stations, much like our 14 energy meridians, it is imperative that each specific station broadcast at its individual frequency. In other words, if a station is operating at 96.5 on the dial, it comes in loud and clear; however, if it comes in at 96.4 or 96.6, the radio broadcast is only static. There is nothing wrong with the radio, it just needs to be tuned to the proper station. A simple adjustment to the radio will bring it into full normalcy. Similarly, when one of those pathways (meridians) is disrupted or blocked – we may experience strong emotions and negative flow within the body, which ultimately causes health problems.

The Body’s Energy System

Your emotional health, your success in the world, and your level of joy can all be dramatically enhanced by balancing the energies that regulate them.
So, every negative emotion you personally experience, including depression, anger, frustration, stress, grief, guilt, anxiety, fear, etc., is the direct result of some form of blockage in your body’s energy system.
Through EFT (which I will also show you how to do at home, between sessions) I help you resolve any blocked energy fields that reside within your body. Once those blockages are cleared – the negative emotions, symptoms and issues will immediately disappear.
You simply tap or touch very lightly on the specific meridian points in your body, mostly on the upper body and face, which sends small shock waves throughout your meridian system.
By tapping your meridian points, (about 14 in all), while addressing a specific problem you are faced with, the emotional issue will gradually disappear. This simple process balances and re-energizes your system, clearing energy blockages and ridding yourself of the negative emotions you have been suffering from.
This may not happen in just one session – it usually takes more than one. Which is why my clients commit to a 6-session program. Remember – it may have taken years, even decades, to build up these blockages – you can’t honestly expect them all to disappear in 20 minutes! It may happen – but chances are it will take a few sessions to get your energy moving through your body like it should.

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