So, every negative emotion you personally experience, including depression, anger, frustration, stress, grief, guilt, anxiety, fear, etc., is the direct result of some form of blockage in your body’s energy system.
Through EFT (which I will also show you how to do at home, between sessions) I help you resolve any blocked energy fields that reside within your body. Once those blockages are cleared – the negative emotions, symptoms and issues will immediately disappear.
You simply tap or touch very lightly on the specific meridian points in your body, mostly on the upper body and face, which sends small shock waves throughout your meridian system.
By tapping your meridian points, (about 14 in all), while addressing a specific problem you are faced with, the emotional issue will gradually disappear. This simple process balances and re-energizes your system, clearing energy blockages and ridding yourself of the negative emotions you have been suffering from.
This may not happen in just one session – it usually takes more than one. Which is why my clients commit to a 6-session program.
Remember – it may have taken years, even decades, to build up these blockages – you can’t honestly expect them all to disappear in 20 minutes! It may happen – but chances are it will take a few sessions to get your energy moving through your body like it should.